Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Are you loving life? I am!!! Hahaha.. Pero na japo'y sad aspects... Anyways... The Final Exam Week is fast approaching... However it's not what I'm worried about... I mean of course I worry about it yeah... I mean it's the FINALS!!! But what I'm more worried about is not being able to see someone for one month... Goodness, one month? That's like uh... uh... 4 scores and 7 years and, and, and... 12 days!!! Ok, I exaggerated... Still, one month's a very very veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeryyyyyyyyyyyy long time!!!!! Haay... Well anyways maghulat na lang jud ko... NYAHAHAHAH!!!
Love life everyone... LOOOOOOVEEE LIFE!!!---> What's the connection? Gee I dunno... I guess I just feel so ecstatic right now that I don't make sense.. Do I make sense to you? I don't think so... This is actually free writing, a type of a prewriting technique.. HAHAHA Free writing and Prewriting nyahahah! Anyway... I dunno how to end this post...
Ok, I'll tell you a secret na lang... In a reference point, the time or length would be shorter relative to the time or length of another reference point, so as with time... If time is longer in Reference point one relative to that of Reference point two, then length is shorter in Reference point one relative to that of Reference point two or vice versa. Want to know more about it? Read about Space-Time Continuum. Bye2x! Take care everyone! :P

Monday, August 20, 2007

Gi-Orom koooo!

Ui magbinisaya sa ko...

Ui mga duds og dudets, nakasulay namo nga gi-orom mu? Ako nka sulay na, bg-o lang... Di na nako i-share unsay nahitabo.. Basta hadlok kaayo.. Babay! :P

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Blah Blah Bleeh Bleeh

this may be the worst post (in this blog) ever...

Good evening. What I will write about is my BUANGness... Have you ever felt something soooooooooooooo extreme that sometimes you do stupid things? Well, I just did. Hahahaha... Well not really stupid things, but stupid moves. I mean I did a series of things without thinking twice. Well, I don't really regret that I did them. In fact, I feel really great! I like it, I feel like I'm evolving (in terms of...)! Waaaah! Anyway, I know, I know, yeah this post sucks hard... And I mean really hard! I'm not really much of a writer or a "poster" or a blogger... :P Well I have 9 minutes left... Hmm what to do? I know... End this post! :P waaaaaah! Ambot ui! BABAY nah!

Thursday, August 9, 2007


Hello everyone! A post at last! Hahaha.. Well this post isn't really about Counter-Strike.. I just feel like putting "Counter-Strike" in the title. Enjoy, as you laugh at the corniness of the post while reading the freaking thing. Islip nakooooo!

Have you ever been in a situation wherein you don’t know what to believe anymore? Sucks doesn’t it? What sucks more is that the “answers” that you ought to believe keep haunting you. They do not have specific “haunting” schedules. They just pop up when you take exams, when you study, before you sleep, even when you use the bathroom!

You’re probably wondering why the above “intro” is like that. You see, I’m kind of experiencing that right now. I couldn’t understand what I’m feeling. I want to cry, scream… damn! I just couldn’t understand why “new” SUCKING things come up everytime I feel that things are ok. Like when I feel that things are going on just fine, I suddenly discover stuff that would lead to things not being ok. I try to find answers. I get sort of positive ones. I believe them and I get hopes of making things ok again. I feel so light, like sv_gravity is zero. Then some time later I learn something, and suddenly things get crazy, and sv_gravity changes back to 800 and I fall from a really great height.

I don’t know! I just feel like I don't want to believe in anything anymore. When things are really bad, and I believe that they would never be ok, things suddenly feel right. But when I start believing that the things are fine, things suddenly become the exact opposite! *Sigh.

Anyways I’m sorry for bringing this thing up. I know that this is supposed to be a HAPPY blog, that I am a HAPPY person… but believe me, things will not always be HAPPY when you start LOVING. And that’s what sucks most… the sweetest thing that life could offer is also the very thing that could bring great sadness.

Friday, April 6, 2007


In a short while, I'll be watching Judas in Studio 23. And while I'm watching maybe I'd drink milk and eat some bread... Anyways after that I'm gonna put a new post....

Or not...

Well it depends... If I will not feel sleepy then...

I'll still have to think about it! :P

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Dinner At the Money Table

It's a sad song... Nyahahahah...
I've got a day and a reason
Why I should not believe in..anything, anymore
What's this for?
My time well spent
I've got all these memories that I cannot believe in
Cause I don't know where I've been all these years
All these years
And do you know this reason
I hope that you can see it cause I will not give up
And we all know what you've done again
I can see right through you
You're making your way over again..again
Two days after leaving and I don't have a reason to keep you from being here
I don't steer these thoughts away
I know that you know this but I could never get you to believe all my fears
Is this your clear?
I think so
And do you know this reason
I hope that you can see it cause I will not give up
And we all know what you've done again
I can see right through you
You're making your way over again..again..again..and again
And do you know this reason?
I hope that you can see it cause I will not give up
And we all know what you've done again
I can see right through you
You're making your way over again..again..again
And do you know this reason?
I hope that you can see it.
Cause I will not give up and we all know what you've done again
I can see right through you
You're making your way over again..

Sunday, February 25, 2007


If you wanna know about relativity, just click this link below:

Sunday, February 18, 2007

A Poem For Them.. (More of a Story... I Guess)

Another poem that came out of my sick mind. But bear in mind that I'm not a poet. So you wouldn't find fancy words and some figures of speech like that of the Ni-Nice Guy.. Anyway... This poem I dedicate to my classmates, who one way or another touched my life. Anyway, the rest are in the poem... or story.. just read it .^^ Enjoy.

First day of High School,
I still could remember...
I pretended to be cool...
Looked for girls I could bother.

But before I go on I must tell you,
Making lines rhyme is hard for me to do.
So the next lines will not rhyme,
Coz I really have a few time.

At the first years of High School
I didn't really take our bonding seriously.
Everyday in school was like
Eight hours of isolation from games.
Sophomore year, new people came,
People whom I thought wouldn't touch my life.
There, I was, doing my S.O.P.
Wake up, school, T.V. Bed...

But as I schooled a bit longer,
I felt something funny.
When I go home,
I feel something missing in me.
But I played and played,
Thinking t'was the solution.
Nothing happened.
Still I felt that very odd feeling.

Junior Year, some people left,
And a few people came.
T'was only in this year that I knew
The solution to that odd feeling.
And that solution is my classmates.
Everytime I go to school I feel complete.
And that odd feeling subsides
When I see you my dear classmates.

Senior year, again some people left,
No one was added.
A lot of us were psyched to graduate,
That includes moi.
Finally four more years until we are free!
We practiced for contests,
Hoping to finally get out of our losing streak,
But as we do we didn't notice something building...

Our bonding kept growing stronger.
Now 'tis less than a month 'till we all graduate.
We will then go our separate ways.
No more posing for pictures,
No more cramming
Although I still would do much of the latter in college,
Things will never be the same.
But that's just the way it is...

To my classmates, thank you dears
It's been a pleasure,
Spendin' all these four years with you.
No one else could've made these years
As great as it is.
You are irreplaceable,
And I just couldn't describe
How much I love you!

I will never forget the times we had together.
Our late in the evening bondings
Making group projects, our outings,
Practices and many, many, many more!

I will never forget all these four years.
The years I fell in love,
Got heartbroken,
Stood up once more.
Experienced my best Valentines,
And all these I woulnt have experienced
If it weren't for you.

I love you guys!
And I will miss you...
I will end this by including
The phrases that we have loved saying:
As we go on... we'll remember
All the times we've been together.
As our lives change... come whatever.
We will still be friends forever.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


I would like to inform you all that everyone can now add comments on my posts! :P To those who wanted to put comments, but were not able to, please add them now!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

A Poem For Her...

Leave it alone.. It's my first poem.. No let me rephrase that.. It's my first post that's a poem.. :P
Before anything else,
I want to say that I'm not obsessed,
Or so nearly depressed.
Please hear what I have to say
Because everyday, I don't feel this way.
The truth is I've never felt this before
And I surely like to feel it some more.
I know this might be absurd,
But we rarely speak a word.
What I can do is just to stare.
Looking at you, I just can’t bear.
This might seem not true
But I just couldn’t stop thinking of you.

You are my first thought in the morning;
And I continue thinking of you till evening.
How I wish we could do things together
Like watch a movie or at least drink water.
There are things that I want to tell you
But talking to you I just can’t do.

Sometimes you might see me singing.
Songs help me express what I’m feeling.
All these are what I feel
And I assure you that all these are real.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

That Nice Guy...

Remember that nice guy I was talking about? His name's Ramon Enrico Custodio M. Damasing. It's a very long name... But it's a name you'd never forget... You see, I meet that guy every weekdays... Duh, we're classmates! Anyway, that guy's really great! He has helped me a lot in class. He helps me in my assignments, even my problems in life! I really don't what I'd do without him... Ramon, thank you so so much!

Friday, January 12, 2007

My first post.. how nice...

Let's see now... blog blog blog...
Hmmm... What do people put in blogs?

I've seen a lot of blogs, most are my classmates'. And boy (or girl) are they awesome! In their blogs they put lots of things. One classmate of mine puts pictures of her dogs. Another classmate of mine puts topics like the wrongness or correctness of getting mad or something. And there's this other guy, handsome, another classmate of mine who puts all his poems in his blog. Goodness! He never runs out of them. He writes sonnets, haikus, free verse, korean sijos, soaps... No not soaps, uhm, sonnets, and haikus... All kinds of poems, he put all of them there. Anyway, enough of that nice guy now. Let's go back to blogs...
Answers.com defines blogs as... Wait... Darn... It's still loading... Anyway, Answers.com defines blogs as...(just click the link to see, http://www.answers.com/topic/blog). Yah, to write entries in...
In this blog the "entries" will be anything, poems maybe, songs, experiences, games-anything that comes out of my mind.
Oh, by the way, you're probably curious about the title... On The Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies... It's nothing, it's about special relativity, Einstein wrote it... O.K. better end this post now... I'm running out of stupid things to put... O.K. 'till my next post dudes and dudettes...