Sunday, January 14, 2007

That Nice Guy...

Remember that nice guy I was talking about? His name's Ramon Enrico Custodio M. Damasing. It's a very long name... But it's a name you'd never forget... You see, I meet that guy every weekdays... Duh, we're classmates! Anyway, that guy's really great! He has helped me a lot in class. He helps me in my assignments, even my problems in life! I really don't what I'd do without him... Ramon, thank you so so much!

Friday, January 12, 2007

My first post.. how nice...

Let's see now... blog blog blog...
Hmmm... What do people put in blogs?

I've seen a lot of blogs, most are my classmates'. And boy (or girl) are they awesome! In their blogs they put lots of things. One classmate of mine puts pictures of her dogs. Another classmate of mine puts topics like the wrongness or correctness of getting mad or something. And there's this other guy, handsome, another classmate of mine who puts all his poems in his blog. Goodness! He never runs out of them. He writes sonnets, haikus, free verse, korean sijos, soaps... No not soaps, uhm, sonnets, and haikus... All kinds of poems, he put all of them there. Anyway, enough of that nice guy now. Let's go back to blogs... defines blogs as... Wait... Darn... It's still loading... Anyway, defines blogs as...(just click the link to see, Yah, to write entries in...
In this blog the "entries" will be anything, poems maybe, songs, experiences, games-anything that comes out of my mind.
Oh, by the way, you're probably curious about the title... On The Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies... It's nothing, it's about special relativity, Einstein wrote it... O.K. better end this post now... I'm running out of stupid things to put... O.K. 'till my next post dudes and dudettes...